Cyber Threat Landscape Explanation
The new wave of digital transformation in healthcare brings a host of positive sides but equally exposes organizations and patients to immense cyber threats. Whether it’s ransomware attacks or phishing schemes, the terrain is full of peril. The cloud makes things difficult; the threats are so diverse, and they can take many forms as well as finding a digitized hole in your defence. But burstiness matters when you think about how the attacks are very infrequent – but come in rapid bursts, or show up rather slow and low-frequency nonetheless delivering high-impact breaches.
1. Creating a Complete Data Encryption
Data encryption is a vital element of robust cybersecurity strategies. This is still a way in which Coded Data types patient data that cannot be reached by unauthorized entities. This can be one of the hardest measures to overcome, as encryption is a solid guard against personal information being taken during data breaches; if you are encrypting your systems and have no decryption keys then attackers may not make